- Summer Assignment
- 1: Computer Components
- 2: Operations Calculator
- 3: Castle Stairs
- 4: Tidbit Computer Store
- 5: Input Verifiers
- 6: Group Presentations
- 7: Object Oriented Programming
- 8: Additional Class Features
- 9: String Methods
- 10: 2-Dimensional Arrays
- 11: List Management
- 12: Polymorphism
- 13: Ethical Software
- 14: Stacks
- 15: Recursion
- 16: Intel Pentium Bug
- 17: Searching and Sorting
- 18: Hangman
- Turn Based Strategy Game
- Unit 1, Systems:
-      Review: Blank | Filled
-      Imports: Blank | Filled
-      Bases: Blank | Filled
-      Rounding: Blank | Filled
- Unit 2, Math Operations:
-      Random: Blank | Filled
- Unit 3, Primitives/Objects:
-      Objects: Blank | Filled
- Unit 4, Object Oriented:
-      OOP: Blank | Filled
-      OOP Part 2: Blank | Filled
-      Interfaces: Blank | Filled
- Unit 5, Strings:
-      Strings: Blank | Filled
-      Short Circuit Evals: Blank | Filled
- Unit 6, Arrays & ArrayLists:
-      Arrays: Blank | Filled
-      ArrayLists: Blank | Filled
-      For%20Each%20Loop Blank | Filled
- Midterm Review
-      Review: Blank | Filled
- Unit 7, File IO:
-      File I/O: Blank | Filled
- Unit 8, Inheritance & Polymorphism:
-      Lesson Inhertitance: Blank
| Filled | Blank
- Unit 9, Recursion:
-      Recursion: Blank | Filled
- Unit 10, Stacks:
-      Stacks: Blank | Filled
- Unit 12, Searching and Sorting:
-      Stacks: Blank | Filled